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Where Sustainability Meets Function

Where Sustainability Meets Function

21 March 2022

Written by: Dave Barr

When you walk through a store and look at all the flexible packaging on the shelves, do you know how many are made of paper? It’s hard to tell sometimes because a lot of packaging is actually plastic that’s just made to look like paper, but we’ll tell you: not enough packaging is made out of sustainable material. While it may look like paper, it doesn’t function like paper and is harmful to the environment.

From product concept to end-of- life, the lifecycle of our paper and tissue is designed with specific intentions (and the planet) in mind. Renewable, recyclable, and compostable are three key words that describe many of our products.

All packaging has three primary functions: Appearance, Barrier, and Containment. Here at BSP, we have taken that fundamental concept and applied it to our product development pipeline and technology. Our technology stands out in the appearance category; their smooth and ink receptive surface provide the perfect blank canvas for any eye-catching graphics. For barrier and containment, we have a myriad of bio-friendly layers and coatings that work to keep your product in, and the outside world, out. 

Product development is a strategic initiative at BiOrigin Specialty Products and our pipeline of new products is aligned with the needs and wants of the segments we serve. Keeping up with market trends and developing innovative customer specific projects is our mission and creating a cleaner, safer earth for generations to come is why we exist.

Functionality is critical to sustainability which is why all our current products and developments are designed with function in mind. A product that meets all the environmental attributes but sacrifices function is not a sustainable product. At BiOrigin SP, we are focused on both. First, making sure our paper meets the functional requirements and secondly, meeting the desired environmental benefits.


Want to hear more about our product development initiative? Check out our podcast: Where Sustainability Meets Function and hear from our product development team about what we're doing now and some exciting projects coming up.



About BiOrigin Specialty Products
With a focus on eco-friendly specialty paper, packaging, and tissue, BiOrigin Specialty Products is a trusted wholesale paper supplier, continuing to thrive, grow, and manufacture some of the finest sustainable paper and tissue products in North America. Visit us at www.BiOriginSP.com 

Media contact: 
Kara Wojnowski
Marketing Manager, BiOrigin Specialty Products
(770) 596-0868

About Dunn Paper


With nearly a century of history behind us, Dunn Paper has been a leader in the paper industry ever since we opened our first paper mill in 1924. With a focus on eco-friendly specialty paper and tissue, we work with top converters to create innovative sustainable paper products that have thousands of possible applications. Dunn has maintained its position as a trusted wholesale paper supplier, continuing to thrive, grow, and manufacture some of the finest sustainable paper and tissue products in North America by making tomorrow's paper today.

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